New Moon in Aries


Universal Time: 21.03.23 at 3:57 PM

Aries marks the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the end of Summer for those of us on the other side of the world. Regardless, Aries symbolises beginnings whether it’s the literal start of life or a new project we want to invest our time into. 

By the same token, Aries speaks to the independence that all of us need to grow into the person we were meant to become. Strong boundaries and learning to say, “no” is as crucial to our health as an apple a day. Those of us who can’t practice healthy boundaries get sick a lot more often if we believe anything Dr Gabor Mate says. Those of us that don’t know how to say “no” eventually become resentful of the people to whom we gift our precious time. And as Sigmund Freud once said, depression is anger internalised. 

Here is prose. 

I need some space to breathe. I feel suffocated by all of the “love”. I feel possessed by a man who doesn’t know how to keep things. I’ve been thrown on a shelf behind the dusty books he never reads. As I wait my patient churns to rage. “I want to be free”, said the little wind-up doll with a fracture across her chest. The doll shattered the glass window with her tiny palms despite the danger of breaking her porcelain skin. It’s best to be broken and free than broken and chained to a life of misery. 


Venus in Taurus


Full Moon in Virgo